Currently he is the number 3 Portuguese Podengo Pequeno Limited showing in 2017 He is an AKC BRONZE Grand Champion as well as an international Champion and holds the following titles FI CH, C.I.B, EE CH, LV CH, LT CH, BALT CH, UKC CH, AKC GCH David was the first smooth P3 (PORTUGUESE PODENGO PEQUENO) to be awarded a group …


Owning The Rare Breed

Owning Rare Dog Breeds There is a thrill in owning a dog of a rare breed – excitement when people stop to ask you “what breed of dog is that?” When I introduce my Estrelas or Pequenos (‘pah-kenno’ – small), the usual answer is “How beautiful – I’ve never heard of them.” The Estrela Mountain Dog is …
