Temperament Test !!

Below is an article by the American Kennel Club. I am excited for this!! Portuguese Podengo Pequenos should do very well with this. If any Star Mountain Pup wants to take the test I’ll be happy to point out locations for evaluators. Also if any Star Mountain pups pass twice and earn the ATT title …


Effects of Spay and Neuter on Dog Health

Over the last decade, it has become apparent that performing a gonadectomy (spaying or neutering) has unanticipated health implications. Specifically, gonadectomies and the age at which they are performed have been linked to the incidence of many cancers, orthopedic conditions, other medical conditions, and behavioural issues. Read more of this article at iaabcjournal.org -spay-and-neuter-surgery-effects-on-dogs/ Very interesting …
